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The Space Show

The Space Show
The Space Show focuses on timely and important issues influencing the development of outer-space commerce, space tourism,space exploration and space development. The Space Show is committed to facilitating our becoming a space-faring nation and society with a growing and self-sustaining space-faring economy.  The Space Show also focuses on other related subjects of interest to us all.

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Created by: David Livingston
Created on: 12 May 2005
Language: English

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Add this to another station Dallas Bienhoff, Friday, 2-9-24 (18.15MB; download) -- Dallas discussed in detail Offworld, Inc. and their work to develop both terrestrial and lunar mining equipment. Dallas answered many questions including some about rocketry, fuel depots, policy and much more. This was a terrific program covering many important topics, most of which were associated with commercial space. Read the full summary of the program for this date, Friday, Feb. 9, 2024 at www.thespaceshow.com.
Selected by: David Livingston [ stations ], Fri, 09 Feb 2024 21:21:53 UTC
Add this to another station Open Lines, Sunday, 2-4-24 (20.09MB; download) -- Welcome to Open Lines. We covered multiple topics with multiple callers plus emails. Read the full summary of this program at www.thespaceshow.com for this date, Sunday, Feb. 4, 2024.
Selected by: David Livingston [ stations ], Mon, 05 Feb 2024 16:16:09 UTC
Add this to another station Jim Lewis, Friday, 2-2-24 (16.06MB; download) -- Jim was back with us to discuss his viewing of the Vulcan launch plus he talked about the Celestis payloads on board and his friend and notable writer, Martin Caidin. Many listeners called and there were questions about Martini's visionary capabilities directed toward space settlement plus more. Read the full summary of this program at www.thespaceshow.com for this date, Friday, Feb. 2, 2024. Note that our Cox Cable went out around the middle of the program but it did get restored so we were able to continue our program with Mr. Lewis.
Selected by: David Livingston [ stations ], Sat, 03 Feb 2024 19:36:16 UTC
Add this to another station Agnieszka Pilat, Tuesday, 1-30-24 (12.38MB; download) -- We welcomed award winning artist Agnieszka Pilat to the program to discuss her current work which explores modern technology and has involved SpaceX, Waymo and Boston Dynamics. Our guest talked about technology and how she was influenced to see technology in her unusual way by growing up in a communist country, Poland. She talked about technology being the cathedral of today and the future and addressed many religious elements in her artistic process. Read the full summary of this program at www.thespaceshow.com for this date, Tuesday, January 30, 2024.
Selected by: David Livingston [ stations ], Wed, 31 Jan 2024 16:26:13 UTC
Add this to another station Dr. Peter B. Hague, Sunday, 1-28-23 (18.01MB; download) -- Peter was back with us to discuss several of his Substack blog posts, especially the one that focused on the business case for civilization and large projects such as space settlement. Peter also talked about his petition to the UK government for Starship to launch from the UK plus other topics. Read the full summary of the program at www.thespaceshow.com for this date, Sunday, January 28, 2024.
Selected by: David Livingston [ stations ], Mon, 29 Jan 2024 16:38:54 UTC
Add this to another station Paul Szymanski, Friday, 1-26-24 (18.66MB; download) -- We welcomed Paul Szymanski back to the show to discuss space warfare and the definition of space war, tactical versus strategic planning and thinking, winning a space war, weapons and much more. Read the full summary of this program at www.thespaceshow.com for this date, Friday, Jan. 26, 2024.
Selected by: David Livingston [ stations ], Fri, 26 Jan 2024 21:15:05 UTC
Add this to another station Hotel Mars, Wednesdday, 1-3-24 (4.00MB; download) -- We welcomed Dr.Ioanna Koutsouridou from the University of Florence regarding the earliest stars in the Milky Way, Population III stars, pair instability, China's LAMOST, searching and confirming more descendants of Population III stars. Please read the summary at www.thespaceshow.com for this date, Wednesday, Jan. 3, 2024.
Selected by: David Livingston [ stations ], Fri, 26 Jan 2024 21:10:45 UTC
Add this to another station Dr. John Mankins, Tuesday, 1-23-24 (13.88MB; download) -- John Mankins returned to comment on the recent NASA SSP report plus to discuss the state of the SSP R&D industry. Please read the full summary of this program for Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2024 at www.thespaceshow.com.
Selected by: David Livingston [ stations ], Wed, 24 Jan 2024 17:25:44 UTC
Add this to another station Dr. Haym Benaroya, Sunday, 1-21-24 (19.76MB; download) -- Dr. Benaroya was with us for Ask The Engineer questions for the full 90 plus minute program. We had multiple questions with callers re lunar, rocketry and other questions plus we had several unrelated shorted discussions. Please read the full summary of the program at www.thespaceshow.com for this date, Sunday, Jan. 21, 2024.
Selected by: David Livingston [ stations ], Mon, 22 Jan 2024 23:25:02 UTC
Add this to another station John Batchelor Show Hotel Mars, Dr. Jeff Faust, Weds, 1-10-23 (1.23MB; download) -- Jeff was our special guest talking about frequency wars in LEO re the new commercial companies and the traditional GEO and larger satellite companies. Read the summary of this program at www.thespaceshow.com for this date, Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2024.
Selected by: David Livingston [ stations ], Fri, 19 Jan 2024 21:39:05 UTC
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